I miss school so much.
Miss all the fun i had in class with friends.

Visit my facebook album account to see more.
Yay! We finally start using makeup and hair styling. :]]
Night out (30/01/10) with freinds, Qi,Fel & Mei where Ee is working.
I forgot what was the name of the cafe.. ahahaha...==
Fel, Qi & Me
*pic taken from qi's fb profile*
*pic taken from qi's fb profile*
What i ate :3
After that we went to Fashion News and Igloo for some ice-cream. Then i dropped all of them at Mei's house.
I've had this blog for some time now, but i've never find the time to update it.
Definitely gonna find more time to update it, since i've already finished SPM and have loads of time in my hands. XD