01:18 Somehow in the beginning, it was a bit hard to believe what had happened. I told myself that it was just a cruel hard joke. Everything happened too sudden. All I see now are just the memories that we had. I still remember the first time ever meeting you. You were one of the few friends that came up to talk to me when I was still adjusting myself to a new environment. We become good friends but when you told us that you were going to transfer to another school, we all felt sad. We promised to keep in touch. There were letters in the beginning. But it all stopped. I lost all of your contacts and I didn't know where you were or how to get in touch with you. But last year, you contacted me. Thanks to a friend. We got in touch again. The news of your passing is just too sudden. Its still hard to believe what had happened. Life is fragile. You'll never know what will happen the next minute. Appreciate everything you have right now. R.I.P my dear friend. You will always be in our memory.