There has been numerous coffee shops opening around Kuching recently so Michelle suggested that she wanted to visit the more famous ones before returning back to Melaka.
I went to pick QiQi then Michelle then we headed to Cupella.
I've actually never heard of Cupella before, Michelle said that it was opened by a relative of her friend and that it had really good reviews about it.

Selfie with the girls

The coffee shop is quite small and easily missed because it's tucked in between shophouses. We only found it because it had a small signboard on the road outside of the shop.
Although small, evidently a lot of thought had been put into the design of the coffee shop.

Clockwise from top-left: Michelle's iced latte, QiQi's iced double chocolate, and my cappuccino.
I usually don't take a lot of sweet stuff so I really liked how the coffee was not overly sweet,
but Michelle thought that her latte didn't have enough sugar and was a bit bitter.
We talked about the other coffee shops that we hadn't tried and that we would visit them before heading back to Melaka.
After that, like what most girls do, we took a lot of selfies before heading home.

Ground Floor, No.8, Lot 12159,
Jalan Tun Jugah, Jalan Song, 93300
Kuching, Malaysia
Mon-Sun : 1200-0000 |