Quite an outdated blog entry I know but I've just gotten to transfer all my photos and videos from my phone to my laptop. For some reason, not all my photos were backed-up on my iCloud so I had to transfer all of them via WiFi.
This is somehow going to be a quite a long entry because I'm combining all the photos for cny.
Unfortunately, my big brother couldn't be back home for cny because of work. :( #marineengineerlife
It being cny, I thought that I could sleep in a little but that was not the case. Dad woke us all up at 8 because the lion dance would arrive at 9.
I didn't take many photos on the first day because there were so many people.

The earliest to arrive.

Grandma (mother's side) with her grandchildren.

The ladies.

The men

My brother trying to photobomb me but i think the photo turned out not bad.

What is cny without some blackjack? Grandma likes being the dealer. lol

The next door cousins

Skyping with the Harrys in Canada. Most of my aunt and uncles on my father's side were at our house so my brother helped setup Skpye on the tv for them to chat.

With grandaunt and her family

With the cousins

Ootd for the second day. All my outfits for cny were bought online here. Its always hit or miss when you shop online. Fortunately they all fit. I didn't have the time to go out shopping because of finals.

Auntie Winccy invited us to her house that night. Aren't her dogs so adorable?!! The one on the left is Messi and the one on the right is Poppy.

Got to hang out with my friends on the third day.

After that we headed to Sophia's house and later my house. I told them I had to be back home at for dinner and that they were welcomed to join.

Photo session with the girls. We took lots but I'm just gonna post a few.

We had a birthday celebration for grandma at home.

Grandma's 75th birthday

We headed to granduncle's house at the countryside the next day. The last stop for grandma, uncle and his family before they head back to Singapore that night.

Believe it or not, the house granduncle is staying in was built by himself when he was 30. Now only him and his wife live there. His kids now live in Singapore.
He's the type of person that doesn't ask for much. He plants his own vegetable and harvest his own rice to eat. His income comes from selling the fruits and veges he has in his orchard around his house.

Granduncle and grandma

He said he wanted to pluck coconut for us to drink.

Coco for coconuts

and he kept on plucking and plucking... So we brought back quite a lot of coconuts home.

I think that was all for the cny visiting because the next day was a Monday and working day.