Review : SkinFood Egg White Pack
10:41Went to SkinFood the other day and bought some stuff.
Egg White Pack ( Peel-Off Pack For Nose.Forehead.Jaw )
My friend recommended me to try this product.
It's not really expensive though.
Only RM 25
There are ten packets in 1 box - 5 for nose and 5 for jaw and forehead.
So it's quite worth the money.

The pore strips
Just wet your face and stick the pore strips on.
And now, we play the waiting game.
I've not been having enough sleep because of school and hence the dark circles.
*click on the pictures to enlarge them
so you can see all the icky stuff* lol
I think that these types of pore strips work better than other pore strips because it can strip out even those stubborn blackheads.
It even contains egg white that is excellent for exfoliating, refining pores, and controlling excess oil
The only thing that I don't like about the pore strip is the smell. It may smell okay before you use it but then after it gets wet, it has this smokey smell. Like the smokey smell when you eat smoked salmon or something like that. Yeah, I don't like eating smoked stuff because of the smokey smell so the smell really bothered me. Other than that, I think that the pore strips work perfectly. Would definitely recommend it to my friends.
Only RM 25
There are ten packets in 1 box - 5 for nose and 5 for jaw and forehead.
So it's quite worth the money.

Just wet your face and stick the pore strips on.
And now, we play the waiting game.
I've not been having enough sleep because of school and hence the dark circles.
so you can see all the icky stuff* lol
I think that these types of pore strips work better than other pore strips because it can strip out even those stubborn blackheads.
It even contains egg white that is excellent for exfoliating, refining pores, and controlling excess oil
The only thing that I don't like about the pore strip is the smell. It may smell okay before you use it but then after it gets wet, it has this smokey smell. Like the smokey smell when you eat smoked salmon or something like that. Yeah, I don't like eating smoked stuff because of the smokey smell so the smell really bothered me. Other than that, I think that the pore strips work perfectly. Would definitely recommend it to my friends.