Sabah Trip - Luanti Fish Spa
02:24On the road again to out next destination - Luanti Fish Spa, which is located somewhere in Ranau.
Initially, I thought that the fish spa had tiny fishes like the ones in spas.

Tiny like these.
But man was I wrong! The fishes were huge!
Just look at the size of those suckers!
I don't remember the the price of the entrance fee. Each group of people are allowed 15 minutes in the river (but we stayed for more than 15 minutes in the river because there were not a lot of people there). If you want to bring your camera in to take pictures, you have to pay an additional RM5 for each camera you have. But because it rained the day before, we were allowed bring in our cameras for free because the river was muddy.
We could still see the fishes even though the river was muddy
It actually hurts a bit when the fishes start to suck and nibble.
Just make sure you don't have any scabs on your feet or they will suck on it until it bleeds. True story.
Even though the sun was high up and bright, the weather doesn't feel hot at all.
It was actually quite cooling. Maybe it's because we were still at the foot of the mountain.
Epic picture of me trying to run away from the fishes. lol
On the hanging bring above the river