A new year
It's another new year! *throws confetti* Oh how time flies. I actually wanted to do a blogpost when I was on my Christmas break back home but I brought back my laptop but forgot to bring the cable and charger. Genius. So yeah, I wasn't able to on and charge my laptop.
The other day my mom asked me what my highlight for 2014 was but I couldn't think of anything. I was sitting there and thinking so hard but nothing came up. I did a lot in 2014 but somehow I couldn't think of anything significant.
There were definitely tons of ups than downs but to be honest, 2014 wasn't the best year for me.
There was a brief moment of time where I felt like I was at my lowest. A point where I questioned myself what I was doing with my life. It seemed like everyone was moving on with their lives but I was still where I started.
For a brief period of time I felt useless. I felt like I was a failure. That's why I haven't been blogging as much. I felt unmotivated to do anything. But I am so happy I got through that stage and picked myself up. I chose to stay positive. There's always light at the end of the tunnel.
In the end I learned that everything that has happened in my life happened for a reason. Which is why I am so grateful now for everything that has happened. It is who I am today.
I am so grateful for having such great family and friends.

Cheers! Here's to a new year filled with bundles of happiness and opportunities!