One Day Trip - Part 1


Hey hey~
I'm finally back. I've been having a very busy week.

Went on a one day trip with Sue, Mic, Jess, Andy, Liang, Cheng and Han on Sunday.
Sue, Mic and Sophia stayed over at my house because we all wanted to wake up early.
Sue actually woke us up at 5am. -__-
So damn early.
She also called the other guys at 5am too.

We had breakfast at a kopitiam at 101 (can't remember the name of the kopitiam).

Cheng driving

Our first destination was 青山!
Mic counted the steps up but then she stopped because she was already out of breath half way up.

Having vegetarian noodles and coffee

Last shot on the way down

Sophia, Mic and Sue

The buns look delicious, right?
We didn't buy any but Cheng did.
And the reason he bought them was because there was a cute girl working there.
He said those were the best buns he ever tasted. -_-

We finally arrived at Damai Resorts but the beach was closed because the waves were too big but that didn't stop us from having fun! lol

I just found out that  I took too many photos so I'm going to divide this entry into two post
And lastly, I leave you with this picture.
Cheng: "Here I come!"
Mic: Don't! I'm scared"
LOL. This wasn't their exact conversation.
Han came up with it.

To Be Continued

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