Another day in KL


Went to KL on Saturday with Qi and Yuki.


Somehow kicking myself for not bringing along my camera with me to KL. =__=

So enjoy the pictures that were taken from using my phone instead.

My haul for the day (not all)
It doesn't seem much but I actually spent a lot. My wallet is so dry right now. *sigh*
Didn't realize that all the clothes that I bought were in black until I checked. xD

Qi and her haul

 Balloons that we got from 8tv promo outside Fahrenheit Mall

 Dinner at Sushi Tei

 #akwardrighthandposition =__=

Yuki, Me, and Qi


We got back to TBS central after dinner and had an hour to spare before our bus back to Malacca arrived so we camwhored first.

 The 3 of us again


 Not a single word from us

Trying to act cute and innocent but I think I failed.

My phone batt died on me not long after that. So that's all for the day.

p/s: My phone takes pictures that aren't bad at all. lol *self-praise*

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