Another day
15:42School has already started for the second week, but I'm not really busy. I've just been really lazy and procrastinating doing anything lately.
Loving my timetable for this semester because I have loads of free time. :D

Started taking Japanese classes to occupy my free time because my mum has been saying I've got too much free time on my hands. Somehow, I still think I'm too free after taking Japanese classes. I think I wanna join photography club.
Skipped class for the whole day today, actually just 3 hours of classes because I wasn't feeling well again.
Been craving for a double cheeseburger since last week but stopped myself from ordering McDelivery because I was still sick.
Still sick though. Still coughing and sneezing for 4 weeks but I don't care. I want my cheeseburger!!!
So I ordered McD for lunch.

I'm lovin' it!
And you know what?

They gave me 2 packets of fries instead of 1 and I wasn't charged for it!
I think they made a mistake in the delivery cos I didn't order extra fries. XD
Couldn't finish all those fries by my own. =_=

Collection of spices and sauces from McDelivery.
Collected a full container of spices and sauces in just 9 months. You can actually tell how many times (a lot of times) I called McDelivery by just looking at the container.
Not really a collection to be proud of, but I guess I can easily find spices and sauces if I needed any.
Gonna blog again in a few days. So see you then.