Uncle Julian and Family's Farewell Dinner
As you can see from the photo, this was around 3 weeks ago.
I'm such an efficient blogger. *slapsself*
Uncle Julian and his family are migrating to Canada (actually they're already there) so the Harry side of the family planed a farewell dinner for them and my family was also invited.

Aunty Fanny giving a her speech before the the first performance of the night
I give you, the CKDs!
aka Char Kueh Divas!
( they came up with this name because they had char kueh every night before rehearsals)

They wrote and sang a very creative song for Uncle Julian and his family.
Uncle Julian was moved to tears.
I should have gotten a copy of the video from Ivan before they left for Canada. *slapsselfagain*

A very emotional uncle Julian giving his speech.
He gave a very emotional speech which got almost everyone there sobbing and crying. I was also sobbing myself.
I found out that the Harry s are really good toastmasters.

Ivan, videographer for the night
Dinner time!

Just your typical Malaysian buffet dinner

Aunty Jasmine and Ian

With my mum and sis

My sis and Ivester playing iPod games

With aunty Jasmine

Uncle Gerald and aunty Rita presenting farewell gifts to uncle Julian and family
*Click for larger view*

A very happy uncle dancing

Brothers singing together

One thing you need to know about the Harrys is that they are very sporting people.
They can sing and dance at any given beat.
And are not afraid to have fun which makes them very fun to be with.

My brother carrying Ian and a Canadian flag hand-sewn by aunty Fanny

Group shot with the cousins from the Harry side of the family
So that's all for the day.