Laoda's Birthday



QiQi met up with Laoda at Moli Cafe that afternoon. She wanted to give her a surprise so I stood outside the cafe with Laoda's present without her seeing me while QiQi went in to and asked one of the waiters to get the present from me. Of course the present was inside a plastic bag so Laoda didn't suspect a thing. I didn't follow QiQi and Laoda cos I had class that day.

QiQi said Loada was so surprised when she received her present that she cried.

#1 - Laoda's birthday present but wait! There's more!

 #2 - These little notes were under the mug. They were birthday blessing written by all her friends to her.

 #3 - Look how happy she is


QiQi and Laoda went shopping at DP after that. We still had another surprise in store for Laoda. When they were having dinner at San Steamboat QiQi was calling me and the other guys to get over there but she told Laoda I was the only joining them later. She used my name when she called the other guys. I was actually waiting for Alex, YeeKee and Eric to pick me up.

You should have seen her face when we got there. She was so surprised she looked like she almost cried.

 #5 - San Steamboat at DP



 #8 - Blurry pic but somehow I love it




 #12 - Bernard and Laoda

 #13 - YeeKee and Laoda


 #15 - YeeXian trying to stir fry noodles on the pan

 #16 - Laoda and Eric

#17 - ManMan & Laoda

 #18 - Loada with WenYi

#19 - YeeXian with the birthday girl

#20 - with Laoda



 #23 - Me and QiQi
I was having a bad hair day. sigh...

 #24 - The guys

 #25 - The Girls

 #26 - Enjoying her cake

 #27 - Our table after dinner

After dinner we just walked around DP. Laoda and I wandered off to take photos and when we met up with the others, they decided that they wanted to watch a movie. Laoda didn't follow though. She had to head home.


 #29 - Fa, Mi, Re and Do


 We watched Tron: Legacy in 3D

The movie wasn't bad but I somehow felt that it's not worth watching in 3D cos there were a few scenes that were in 2D. The movie only becomes 3D when the guy enters the game. But nice movie and great music.

After the movie, me and QiQi went back home and the rest of the guys went to play mahjong.

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