A suprise party
23:16On 3rd June, 2011.
For Ivan, Izaak, Ivester and Ian Harry.
Organised by their mum, Jasmine.
Mastermind behind the party, Jay Lee, Izaak's best friend.
Aunty and uncle J took Ivan, Izaak and Ivester out for the whole day so that their friends could come to our house to give them the surprise. Unfortunately Ian found out about the surprise party so he stayed home but he promised to keep it a secret. : ) But Ian did also invited his friend.
Actually, the three of them knew there was going to be a barbeque that night but they thought that the BBQ was for me as I was going back to Malacca the next day. So they didn't suspect anything.

Meet the mastermind, Jay

The friends hid their shoes under the table so that Ivan, Izaak, and Ivester wouldn't suspect anything when they come home

What Izaak's friends made for him to take to Canada.
They glued 1 ringgits on it so that he would not forget how Malaysian money looks like.
Hiding time!!!

There were more people hiding but I couldn't take em' all cos I had to act as if nothing happen when the three of them walk into the house.

The only pic I managed to take when all of their friends jumped out.
What's funny was when the three of them walked in, they didn't suspect anything. The just walked in and when their friends jumped out and hugged them, they almost cried. The whole atmosphere was rather emotional.

My brother and his friends preparing the BBQ

While I figure how to use a camcorder. Finally gave up because I don't know how to view the footage I took.

With my brother and friends.
I can do hair shampoo commercials. lol

Guess who are they.

Ivan with his friends. The guy in the middle is Ivan.

Izaak and friends. The one in the middle is Izaak.

Izaak enjoying the video montage Jay made for him

Izaak and a few of his friends got drunk and started to dance half naked

There are none pictures of Ian and Ivester with their friends because they are camera-shy.

Izaak was the first person to collapse after getting drunk and his friends left him "presents" to remember
Lesson of the day : Never get drunk with friends. If so, don't be the first one to sleep.
Here's a video of Jay and Brand covering Bruno Mar's Lazy Song while they were drunk.
I don't know how to pull the video out of Facebook but here's the link. Hope u guys can view it.

Izaak woke up remembering nothing after he got drunk.
Good thing we took loads of photos and videos and he said that night was his best night so far.

The friends who stayed over.
A night to be remembered.